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The Taiwan Chelungpu-Fault Drilling Project was undertaken in 2002 to investigate the faulting mechanism of the 1999 Mw 7.6 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake. Hole B penetrated the Chelungpu fault, and core samples were recovered from between 948.42- and 1352.60-m depth. Three major zones, designated FZB1136 (fault zone at 1136-m depth in hole B), FZB1194, and FZB1243, were recognized in the core samples as active fault zones within the Chelungpu fault. Nondestructive continuous physical property measurements, conducted on all core samples, revealed that the three major fault zones were characterized by low gamma ray attenuation (GRA) densities and high magnetic susceptibilities. Extensive fracturing and cracks within the fault zones and/or loss of atoms with high atomic number, but not a measurement artifact, might have caused the low GRA densities, whereas the high magnetic susceptibility values might have resulted from the formation of magnetic minerals from paramagnetic minerals by frictional heating. Minor fault zones were characterized by low GRA densities and no change in magnetic susceptibility, and the latter may indicate that these minor zones experienced relatively low frictional heating. Magnetic susceptibility in a fault zone may be key to the determination that frictional heating occurred during an earthquake on the fault.
This paper extends the work presented earlier on inspection of helicopter rotor blades using guided Lamb modes by focusing on inspecting the spar-core bond. In particular, this research focuses on structures which employ high stiffness, high density core materials. Wave propagation in such structures deviate from the generic Lamb wave propagation in sandwich panels. To understand the various mode conversions, finite element models of a generalized helicopter rotor blade were created and subjected to transient analysis using a commercial finite element code; ANSYS. Numerical simulations showed that a Lamb wave excited in the spar section of the blade gets converted into Rayleigh wave which travels across the spar-core section and mode converts back into Lamb wave. Dispersion of Rayleigh waves in multi-layered half-space was also explored. Damage was modeled in the form of a notch in the core section to simulate a cracked core, and delamination was modeled between the spar and core material to simulate spar-core disbond. Mode conversions under these damaged conditions were examined numerically. The numerical models help in assessing the difficulty of using nondestructive evaluation for complex structures and also highlight the physics behind the mode conversions which occur at various discontinuities. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A number of measurements on physical properties of volcanic tuff from different volcanic Italian districts (Campi Flegrei, Colli Albani, Lago di Vico) has been performed in the recent years. Petrophysical investigations carried out at increasing/decreasing effective pressure (Vinciguerra et al., 2005; 2008) revealed how, within the same lithology, the different degree of lithification and presence of clasts can affect significantly physical property values. Microstructural analyses revealed that the pressurization and depressurization cycles generate inelastic crack damage/pore collapse and permanent reduction of voids space. When cores from boreholes were investigated, significant variations of physical properties have been found even within the same tuff lithologies (Vinciguerra et al., 2008), which significantly influence the modelling of the overall physics and mechanics, as well as the input parameters for ground deformation and seismicity modelling. In this study we analysed the physical properties of Campi Flegrei tuff (12ka) cores from depths down to 100m, which is the most abundant and widely distributed lithology in the caldera (Rosi and Sbrana, 1987). CF tuff is a strongly heterogeneous pyroclastic flow material, which include cavities, pumice and crystals of sanidine, pyroxene and biotite (Vanorio et al., 2002; Vinciguerra et al., 2005). Total porosity was measured, after drying samples at 80°C for 24 hours, throughout a helium pycnometer (AccuPyc II 1340, Micromeritics Company) with ±0.01% accuracy. Initial total porosity of 52% was found for cores coming from 30m of depth. Total porosity decreases to 46% , when cores from 100m depth are considered. Bench measurements of P-wave and S-wave velocities carried out in dry conditions are of 1.8 and 1.2 km/s respectively for the 30m depth cores and increase up to 2.1 km/s and 1.35 km/s at depth of 100m. Taken together, the measurements of porosity and seismic velocities of P and S wave velocities revealed 2b1af7f3a8