Simon Sinek Find Your Why Worksheet |VERIFIED|
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If you are thinking about starting a business, you will want to own your own home, and earn the living you want, then your WHY is discovering your purpose and how it affects EVERYTHING you do. If you are thinking about making a career change, you will want to apply the same principles to your career as you do to your personal life.
As you think of your WHY, consider the following:
How are you going to feel if you lose your life, or suffer a critical illness?
What would life be like if you were unable to perform the activities you enjoy, or the things you are good at?
If you were to get sick, how would you feel when you recovered?
If you were to die, would you be happy?
What would life be like if you were no longer in pain, or no longer struggling?
The following are some ways to discover what you want out of life:
1) What do you believe will change your life?
2) What will you do to make a difference in the world?
3) What would you do if you got to choose your life purpose? 827ec27edc